Thursday, July 26, 2012

Clear Skin

Hey guys! I was actually a little apprehensive on talking about this, simply because I was worried my method might be frowned upon, which is completely understandable. However, I feel like if you have troubled skin, it'd be good to know all of your options. So! Let's get on with the story!

When I was in 8th and 9th grade, I was troubled by acne, and it made me sooo freaking self-conscious that I always had bangs to cover up my problem areas. I wouldn't even run for too long because I'd stop if my bangs blew back. At the same time, I guess I was having an identity crisis, and I wanted really pretty pale skin like all the Asians on the Filipino channel (like WoWoWee, haha). Anyways. It wasn't until the very end of 9th grade when I started using whitening soap (Likas Papaya soap) and my acne coincidentally started going away. From then on, my face really cleared up and I became a lot more confident about myself.

HOWEVER, looking back on it now, I was really stupid for even wanting to be different. It's a freaking skin tone, for goodness sake. You've got to try and own what you were born with. That applies to my nose, too. Even though I hate it!

Also, let me tell you something: IT DOESN'T WORK. You will not turn white, or yellow, or whatever the fuck have you, so if you're looking into it for that matter, then just stop right now and move on with your life. It's only going to get rid of the tan you've accumulated throughout the summer, and even that will take a long time. If you were born pale (like my cousins in the Philippines) and you're dark brown right now, then go ahead. After about 6 years, you'll get there. But generally, whitening products will not defy nature and take you from Black to Caucasian.

Okay, so now that we've got all that (Product reliability and my stance on skin whitening) established, now I will explain why I still use it. For those people that have known me for a long time, you know that I have not gotten any lighter than I was when we first met (unless I was tan from sports). The only reason I could possibly be lighter is because I freaking hate the sunlight. I know people that love tanning. You wouldn't even be able to guess their age. Premature aging is just not on my to-do list. Sorry. Also, skin poisoning sucks, so I avoid it at all costs. ANYWAYS. So why do I still use it? Well, it keeps my skin soft and my face clear. Think about it; the main function of the soap is to exfoliate your skin, getting rid of dead cells. So of course you're going to get less acne, lighter scars, and baby soft skin, because you don't have all that crud lying there on the surface.

This is me. Obviously. I didn't retouch any blemishes or anything, just a bit of noise reduction and contrast. And a stray chunk of hair if you can find it. My editing skills suck, so it's really obvious. No makeup except the highlights I used on my cheeks and nose.

So yeah. Because of the soap, I don't really get acne anymore. And if I do, it's only a small one. I have to sleep in my makeup for like a week for me to spur one on, though. It even says on the box that it takes care of your skin and makes it smoother:

I used to use Likas Papaya (the original whitening soap), but I freaking hated it. So stinky. And it dries up your skin a lot more than all the other ones (even though they all dry up your skin to a degree). I also used to use Belo soap, but it left soap scum and it grossed me out. And yes, I do stand under a black light just to check it. I really like the Silka brand because they smell nice and right after I take a shower, I can feel the difference. I just make sure I use moisturizer as soon as I get out. I've used SkinWhite, too, but I don't really remember if I liked it. I just use whatever my mom hauls back from her trips:

Well. That's my clear skin story. This is how I get a face that is baby-butt smooth. Of course, you can judge me and say I'm not happy with who I am, yada yada yada, even though I'm generally quite pleased with who I am/what I look like now. Or you can just take this as a possible solution to your problem, or even information for later use. And to all my friends: NO. I WILL NOT SELL OR GIVE YOU A BAR. Love you, but it's my stash. Just go ebay some.

I hope this helped!!! What works for me may not work for you, though. And if you have sensitive skin, please be wary, because Likas Papaya is known to cause skin irritation for some. I'm not, however, very sure on other brands. Ciao!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lens Review: ColourVue Big Eyes Sweet Honey

I've gotten a lot of questions about this one, but I couldn't really answer because I'd forgotten what it was called, haha. I got these at, but they don't sell them anymore. So here's a review!

Here's how they look inside the case (can't show what they look like in the bottle, because I've had this for a long time):



Water Content: 45%

Base Curve: 8.6mm

When I first got it, I didn't really think much at all, because the design of the lens may not register when you actually wear it. HOWEVER. At first glance, when you compare the picture online to what you get, it's totally different. I picked it out because I wanted to replace my Hazel lenses, but chose to get something more brown. Anyways, the picture online is like a subtle, kind of natural brown, but when you put it in, it's really really obvious. Like an unnatural yellow brown. So I kind of felt like I was duped. But I still like them, regardless!

Here is the size difference:

(bad lighting- sowwie!)

I give it a 9.8/10, in consideration for people with smaller eyes than mine. There is really an enlargement effect on the eye, and that's exactly what we're all going for, right?! At first, they were so big it was kind of off-putting for me, but now I think the enlargement is perfect:)

Now the design!


No Flash:

Really Unflattering Lighting:

So as you can see, no matter what, the color pops! If you want something a bit more natural, these aren't the lenses for you. Especially since they are, like I said, more like a yellow brown. It'd be really nice if you wanted to dress up like a wolf or a cat :D As far as design goes, I give it a 10/10 because the design isn't totally outrageous and they kind of remind me of light flooding down in a dark place underwater(if that makes any sense?!) Anyways. I think it's pretty, haha.

What about Comfortability? Erhmahgawrd. It's like a 20/10! They are sooo comfortable, it barely feels like they're on! I can wear them for hours without the slightest irritation. They are just wonderful for my eyes, which makes them one of my favorites so far~ Actually, sometimes they're more comfortable than my regular contact lenses, so these are just amazing for me.

OVERALL Definitely a 10/10 if you want a color that pops! Although they weren't what I was going for at first (if you couldn't tell, haha), I definitely love them a lot. I admit it took me awhile to get used to the color, but that's because I always chose lenses that barely showed unless in the sunlight. However! These ones kind of prompted me into wanting to get more showy colors, like gray and green~ I'll post up on that when I get some. And in case you're wondering, I'd recommend these lenses to anybody :)

Things to Know When Buying Circle Lenses

Okay. So I also wear regular (clear) contacts, and before I buy circle lenses, I always make sure I know all of my information and then some, because what you buy is definitely going to effect your eyes and how you feel about circle lenses!! Here's what you should look out for when buying circle lenses:


Buying circle lenses that are the right prescription is soo important when buying lenses, because you really don't want to fuck up your eyes. Unless you're willing to shell out for Lasiks and other surgeries, I suggest babying your eyeballs as much as possible. I've maintained the same prescription for two years, so I'd like to think I take pretty good care of my eyes. Anyways! Look at the bolded words to find which paragraph applies to you~

If you don't wear contacts, you can buy plano lenses, which have no prescription. If it's your first time thinking about contacts in general, using circle lenses as a first choice >>might<< not be a good idea, because the first time with any kind of contacts hurts like hell. If you can't stop rubbing or messing with your eyes, you might rip your lenses and that's just a waste of money, man. It's hard enough putting little lenses in your eyes, imagine an even bigger disk being jammed in there. Ekk! But to remedy that, you can start with smaller circle lenses and work your way up, because obviously going to the store and buying regular colored contacts is not what you're aiming for. Otherwise, you would've done it. Right?!

If you wear glasses but not contacts, you have to go get your prescription from your eye doctor if you don't want to wear plano (no prescription) with your glasses over it. Sorry, there's really no way around that one because your glasses prescription is not the same as your contact lens prescription. But if you're far-sighted, there's not really a point to go and get your contact prescription, because there aren't any far-sighted powers for circle lenses. Just get plano. Although I've never tried, I'm pretty sure you can go to the eye doctor and get your power without buying contacts, if the exam is a separate fee. They might think you're doing something shady though, haha. I'm not sure if mentioning circle lenses still gives them heart attacks. Anyways, at that point you'll have your prescription; it's whatever they say, for example: -5.00 in your right eye and -4.75 in your left eye.

If you already wear contact lenses, I don't need to get into a lengthy discussion about your prescription, haha. Just make sure it's up-to-date, and it'll be on your contact boxes. Even on the little cases the individual contacts come in. Just make sure you know which one is for your left and which one is for your right. Again, make sure it's up-to-date: it'd be stupid to order lenses right before your yearly exam, because you have no idea if your prescription changed. It's the number that is a -#.## or a +#.## (If it's +, you'll need to get plano lenses).


The diameter of the lens is obviously how big it will be. If you want exceptionally larger eyes, 15mm is your best bet. 14.5mm is pretty much the standard size, with 14.2mm being the smallest I've seen. However, some people have larger eyes than most, so you would have limited options when going for that enlarging effect. I, for example, have 14.5mm regular contact lenses, so I choose 15mm when I want circle lenses (therefore, most, if not all, of my lens reviews will be about 15mm lenses).

Last but not least, Water Content!!

This one is SO freaking important you guys! Water content pretty much describes how comfortable it's going to be. If it's low, your lenses will dry out fast and get itchy and scratchy. But if it's high, it's a lot easier to put in, you can wear it longer, and you won't tear up like every five seconds. My first pair of lenses, I didn't pay attention to the water content, and I had the worst experience ever!! They were Dizon Eyes Hazel contact lenses. They were actually painful to wear, because my eyes were burning constantly (although the color was pretty). The pair I have now is super comfortable and almost like regular contact lenses, so once I figure out which ones they are, I'll tell you about it:)

So yeah. That's about it for things to consider BEFORE you buy. After you do and your crap comes in the mail, soak your lenses in solution for at least six hours, or your eyes will burn off. Well, not literally, but it will hurt like a mother effer, according to my sister (I, on the other hand, ALWAYS follow the rules). Then, when you finally get to put those babies in, don't wear them for more than 6-8 hours. That goes with contact lenses in general. Your eyes need to breathe, too!

Anyways! I hope this helped you guys~ Have fun shopping:)

P.S: I like to look at and for my shopping needs. However, I've only bought from because they have more options, the site is a bit easier to navigate, and since my choices are sooo limited, it's just a lot more helpful for me. I think I'll buy from HoneyColor and Candylens at the same time and do a comparison for a post, the next time I decide to stock up.